GL Update 1/3


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It's a new month! It is a new year! And new updates on the GL forums.

Welcome everyone to the first forum update of the year! Glad to see everyone here survived the holidays, so let's get to it with....

---- Of the Month ----

Member of the month goes to Artisan Vistra Artisan Vistra for many great forum posts!

Topic of the month is: Place to read.....

---- December Awards ----

Top five posters of the month have gotten their tree like awards! Congrats! :)

----Shop once more at GL----

All items are now open once more for purchase, please see this topic here for details: GL Store fully open


Like to thank Altair Altair for an amazing news letter that went out recently, you can read it here if you don't get those:

December Gaming latest Newsletter

Hello Gaminglatest Gamers!

As we bid farewell to another fantastic year, we wanted to take a moment to wish you all a Happy New Year's Eve! It's been an incredible journey with gaming latest, and we're excited to embark on a new one together.

New Resolutions for Gamers: Making Them Count​

As we step into the New Year, it's the perfect time to reflect on our gaming journey and set some exciting resolutions. However, it's not just about making resolutions; it's about turning them into lasting achievements. Here are a few ideas to consider:

Resolution: Play at least one new game every month.

Tip: Keep a gaming calendar with upcoming releases and plan ahead. Set aside dedicated time for exploring new titles, and don't forget to share your impressions with fellow gamers on the forum.

Resolution: Improve my skills in [specific game].

Tip: Break down this resolution into smaller, manageable goals. Identify areas in the game where you want to improve, such as aiming, strategy, or teamwork, and practice regularly. Seek advice from experienced players on the forum.

Resolution: Start a gaming channel, blog, or social media account to share my gaming experiences with others.

Tip: Begin by selecting a niche or focus for your gaming content—whether it's game reviews, strategy guides, or entertaining Let's Plays. Invest in quality equipment, create a content schedule, and don't be discouraged by initial challenges. Consistency is key.

Remember, resolutions are more likely to succeed when they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART)

  • Be specific: Define clear gaming goals, like 'Play a new game monthly.'
  • Make it measurable: Set milestones to track progress.
  • Keep it achievable: Ensure goals are realistic with dedication.
  • Stay relevant: Align resolutions with your gaming interests.
  • Add deadlines: Create urgency by setting time-bound milestones."
  • Join the Conversations​

    Stay in the loop and be a part of the action! Dive into these discussions and share your insights.
    Favorite Xbox Game in 2023: Share Your Top Xbox Game of the Year Selection!"
    A place to read: Share Your Preferred Reading Sports
    Last game bought: what are your most recent gaming addictions?
    Afraid of being swatted: Discussing Swatting: Safety Measures for Online Gamers and Streamers

    Gaming Tip of the Month: "Mastering Map Awareness​

    In many games, whether it's a strategy game, MOBA, or a first-person shooter, having a keen sense of map awareness can be the difference between victory and defeat. Here are some tips to level up your map awareness:
    Frequent Glances: Make it a habit to regularly glance at your in-game map.
    Minimap Customization: Customize your minimap settings to display the information that's most relevant to your gameplay.
    Sound Cues: Pay attention to in-game sound cues that can indicate enemy movement.
    Callouts: In team-based games, use callouts to communicate important information with your teammates.
    Practice and Patience: Developing map awareness takes practice and patience.
    Stay tuned for next month's gaming tip, and in the meantime, put this one into practice to enhance your gaming skills!

    Community Spotlight: Member of the Month - cm2​

    We are thrilled to spotlight one of our outstanding members who has truly stood out in the latest gaming community. Please join us in congratulating our Member of the Month for November!

    Community Spotlight: YouTube Channel of the Month - Dead2009​

    This month, we want to shine a spotlight on a member's YouTube channel that shares our passion for gaming.
    Dead2009 is a fantastic gaming channel that has been delivering top-notch content, including Let's Plays, and creates impressive renditions of video game character music.

    Twitch Channel of the Month​

    Dead2009 is a channel that offers a diverse range of gaming experiences, from simulated sports tournaments to racing, fighting, and FPS adventures, all delivered with engaging and down-to-earth style, making his channel a welcoming destination for all gamers."

    Thank you​

    Thank you for being an essential part of Gaminglatest
    Let's make 2024 a year filled with memorable gaming moments, camaraderie, and shared experiences.
    See you on the forum!"

---- New Member Board! ----
Along with a changing common theme board that is currently the popular eatery, I will also host another one that focuses on a certain video game or video game character! Looking forward to all the posts to come from it :)

---- The Year ahead ----

It is a new year for GL, we march towards our 17th birthday and right now I don't got many plans for the month ahead but hope to do something fun come spring. Please keep an eye on future updates for things to happen.

That's it for this update. Have a safe New Year, everyone.

---- Stats ----

We currently have 520,926 posts and 4,192 members. In this last month we made over 1,644 posts!

How did we do in 2023?

We made: 26,768 posts!

We gain: 99 new active members!
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Thanks, guys for the honors. I didn't expect it but it's great to see all the posts I get the chance to see and the rest I comment on!
Thanks, guys for the honors. I didn't expect it but it's great to see all the posts I get the chance to see and the rest I comment on!
Your welcome, you deserve it and I don't think anyone expect to get MOTM.